How low do you go...
Around 40 with heater going, when dressed right. If no jacket, then around 50-55. And yes, in the morning during the winter in Phx, it's in the 30's, so not cold, but certainly cool enough for the top to be on. Of course come summer, top up, windows off at all times. The plastic would probably melt with the sun beeting on it, plus I'd have that pattern burned into my skin the first time I leaned on the center console.
35 sounds about right, usually get a few of them warmer days in July and August. But that is 35, only if it's not snowing.
In all fairness jkdrone, we have to disclose that 90% of our weather is above 70 degrees.... In fact, we are more likely to put our tops on in the dead of summer when its 100-110 plus humidity than we are the entire month of December!!! To me there is no reason to be uncomfortable when we have so much comfortable top-off weather! Its the south Texas perogative.
This reminds me of the movie Dumb & Dumber when they ride that mini bike up the mountain in winter and they have frozen boogers streaming out of their noses and they are stuck all over their cheeks
Last week it was about 10C here (40F?) and replaced the hard w/ soft, gave it it's virgin run.
Not too bad in the sunshine, but I guess when it was -30 or -40C here this winter, +10 feels downright balmy.
Not too bad in the sunshine, but I guess when it was -30 or -40C here this winter, +10 feels downright balmy.