traction control after lift
Originally Posted by 07 JK "bullfrog"
Ok man I have the answer!!!! It's called the ESP killswitch. There is a purple with LIGHT blue strip in a bundle of wires next to your gas pedal. Snip that wire and put a switch on it. I did this exact step last week and it's amazing!!!! I had the same things happening to me. Send me a private message and I'll send you a copy of the instructions. If I post it, it will be deleted for jk forum liability reasons. : thumbsup. The ESP activates pre- maturely due to the jeep computer still thinking it's stock( calculates speed, wheel turn degree and tire slippage. All those add together to make it activate).
Ok man I have the answer!!!! It's called the ESP killswitch. There is a purple with LIGHT blue strip in a bundle of wires next to your gas pedal. Snip that wire and put a switch on it. I did this exact step last week and it's amazing!!!! I had the same things happening to me. Send me a private message and I'll send you a copy of the instructions. If I post it, it will be deleted for jk forum liability reasons. : thumbsup. The ESP activates pre- maturely due to the jeep computer still thinking it's stock( calculates speed, wheel turn degree and tire slippage. All those add together to make it activate).
A quick search would do the trick. This one has steps and pics.
I'm going to piggy back on this thread. I have a teraflex leveling kit and 33's mine is going off at random times. After putting on the leveling kit I centered the steering wheel so the light is off and the jeep drives straight. Today it went off when I was going in a straight line and slowly accelerating after waiting for a car to turn. Every time I would step on the gas it would kick in and drag me to the right. My wife says it has happened to her going in a straight line but at higher speeds, like 40-50. Any ideas? I have a superchips sitting here but they haven't released a tune yet for the 2011's, I don't know if I can still use it to check to see if the steering wheel is straight or not.
I called Currie and talked to them for 15 minutes about this and they said it depends on the JK. He said some are more picky than others. That's just the joy of lifting the JK. I had the TF 2.5 coil lift and it was fine then I put the Rock Jock kit with the full 8 arms and it started to act up. They told me to drive in circles both left and right then that should help.