returning my superchip?
Call up superchips they will work with your programmer to make your 3.8L stop pinging. They will make a file number for your case and work with you to fix the issue! Also, try a different gas station, but wait till the winter blend fuel switched could make a difference as well.
Curious what the OP ended up doing? I still have pinging with my Superchips regardless of the tune and the "one shot" tunes I am getting from SC don't seem to be resolving the issue. At this point, I am considering getting rid of the flashpaq all together and trying a different tuner.
In the end I kept it. I did an update that eliminated most of the pinging. I currently run yow tune with no pinging. After looking at the alternative I decided superchip was still the best way to go.
Thanks for the update, even with tow tune the pinging is not completely gone. I put mine back to stock tune this morning to see if there is some other issue going on.