Long arm vs short arm lift
Long arm vs short arm lift
2014 JKUR. Planning to do small lift 2.5 ". Is there any benefit to going with a long arm system with only 2.5" lift??? It's used 80-90% onroad w 2-3 trips/ yr off-road use. I do want to maintain the smooth onroad ride of the JK.
With that lift height you will maintain or increase drivability, with a quality kit, on the road with both mid and long arms. Either way, choose a good lift brand and I'm sure you will be happy
JKs are actually mid-arm. You would not notice a difference with your setup. Your wallet would be lighter though. If you start getting into long travel coilovers, then there starts to be a benefit. I'm talking 14"+ of travel.
My thought is you will be good with short arm. I don't see the need to spend that much on long arms for your uses and also don't see much benefit at 2.5" lift. Long arms really start to make sense on the JK when you are getting closer to 4" lifts and up.