Flashlight location?
I mounted my maglight to the rear roll bar. I figured if I needed that much flashlight I would probably be digging out recovery gear from the back anyway, besides, who hasn't needed extra light at night while loading groceries in the back? I also wanted a light up front, so I threw a little led flashlight in the center console.
Thank you! ive been searching for a writeup on how to do this. This is where i want to put mine. its the 6D version so im kind of limited on spots it will fit.... ill let you know if i have any questions after reading your writeup.
WOL, I GOTTA know, what are you using to clamp the maglight on there? I'm sold on the idea, just need the know how if possible.
Looks like the plain old maglite brackets. Just google them and find a retailer nearby that has them in stock. That's what I did since the obvious places didn't have any stock and I didn't want to pay $5 for shipping a $6 part.
part number: MAGLITE ASXD026 D-Cell Flashlight Mounting Bracket
part number: MAGLITE ASXD026 D-Cell Flashlight Mounting Bracket