Limp Mode
Limp Mode
I recently put 37" tires and regeared to 4.53s on my JK. Like most JKs, my Jeep immediately went into limp mode. I have a Bully Dog GT Platinum Gas tuner and have reprogrammed everything, but it only works upon initially reprogramming it. Once I turn my Jeep off and turn it back on, it goes back into limp mode. Since the day I had it regeared, I've had a couple of issues with my Jeep not wanting to reverse and once it wouldn't accelerate in drive. Thoughts?
It sounds like the change isn't sticking. My BullyDog works, but just like a lot of these that require software updates, it's generally a pain in the ass. I'd give them a call and explain your issue and see what they offer as support. My understanding from your explanation is you program the new gears, it works fine, you can drive....but when you turn it off and restart the jeep the computer isn't keeping the new gear setting. That seems like very odd behavior that I've not heard anyone mention before, with any tuner.