Jeep wave
Passed three today that either ignored me or looked right at me and refused to wave back. I would opine that they could not plead ignorance because none of them was the newbie that didn't know about the "Jeep wave".
I think I'm going to start keeping a tally of the Jeep "snobs" that refuse to wave -- the type that, by all indications, should know about the wave but refuse to do it because they think they're better, in some way, than whomever they refuse to wave to.
To me, refusing a wave back is almost as bad as failing to return a salute in the military.
I think I'm going to start keeping a tally of the Jeep "snobs" that refuse to wave -- the type that, by all indications, should know about the wave but refuse to do it because they think they're better, in some way, than whomever they refuse to wave to.
To me, refusing a wave back is almost as bad as failing to return a salute in the military.
My wife had to take the Jeep out this morning to run a few errands and she called me pissed as to why some people didn't wave. I had to explain that some are to snobby to wave and others just don't know about it! I told her to just wave at all of em and if they don't wave back just brush it off! I was just proud of her for trying and not being like those soccer moms that don't know anything about a Jeep other than it's a convertible.