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I've had it!

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Old 09-17-2010, 02:13 PM
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I remember talking to a cop about this stuff over another message board years ago, and the cop figured I was black, and he'd keep sending me pm's where he'd be calling me a ni**ar and threatening to lynch me. Sad...
Old 09-17-2010, 03:37 PM
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Hopefully the campus cops werent scoping your ride out and did this to later rob you blind!
Old 09-17-2010, 06:37 PM
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I would have described the time some bored campus cops called out the entire force one lazy summer night because I pulled up next to a curb to pick up a friend........but this thread has gotten out of control on both sides.

(And, in the end, I received no ticket, since campus truly was empty and they thought they might have had a drunk to transfer to the city cops. -Too bad for them, I hadn't had a drop in months.)

Since I can't just walk away....

As a bicyclist, the @$swipes that ignore stop signs and traffic laws give all of us a bad name. -I pay the price with motorists intentionally cutting me off or trying to spit on me.

Similar for cops speeding in their cruisers when off duty or not in pursuit. -It aggravates citizens because cops won't bust a fellow cop for a traffic infraction, but the rest of us would quickly be unwilling donors to the revenue generation effort. Setting the example is a great way to gain respect.

(disclaimer: My brother-in-law was a retired deputy, a buddy from church is a city detective, I'm forum friends with a cop and we're going wheeling in a few weeks)
Old 09-18-2010, 11:11 PM
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It isn't worth it to argue with the police and the main reason is that they have guns, and are a club that will stand up and for the most part cheer their "brothers in blue" no matter what. That isn't a generalization, it is a fact. I believe that a lot of police officers are good people, I really do. But their profession is unique in that they have the authority and ability to police their own ranks but often don't. Sometimes they do, often they don't. This is telling enough as it is.

Policemen like to thump their chests and talk about how they "run into danger" but in reality this isn't what usually happens. During Columbine they stood around in their gear and tried to look cool for the cameras, not entering until long after the shooting stopped (know people personally affected by this). When my best friend was stabbed and ran to my house, the firemen showed up, then the ambulance, then the police. By a long shot. The hospital IS close, but my friend was at the hospital before the police were at my home. Attempted murder. Time served? 6 years. My cousin was shot dead, broad daylight, by some punk that admitted he did it. Some how, these officers managed to bungle the investigation SO badly, that no one was convicted of anything whatsoever. Small town, and the shooter happened to be the Chiefs son.

So, aside from the TV aspect - I haven't had a positive experience with the police really solving or stopping real crime even once. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but a lot of the time they are really pushing it. Most of the police interaction I have personally had is some policeman hiding behind a sign or obstruction in the hope of finding some motorist going 5mph over the speed limit. Or waiting after being rear ended for 3 hours for a police officer to arrive until being "released" over the phone. Or having my mother be harrased over and over (investigations ha) at her home for fraud, until the police did some more basic investigation and found that the woman of the same name they were looking for was black instead of white.

What you see on the news (probably not a fair 100% representation) is police shooting unarmed men, beating people in handcuffs, tasing children who die as a result, etc, etc. And some police representative coming out and reading the boilerplate "the officers acted appropriately given the unpublic circumstances". Denver police have been beating people and lying about the reasons (as if there are reasons to beat people?), what happens? The ENTIRE police organization top to bottom stands behind them. Arvada police (where I live now) just had to fire about 15% of their force due to illegal activity, lying and police brutality. What happens? Condemnation and calling for the maximum punishment allowed by law? No. A public statement of "this is a rough day" with mention only of the names of the police officers criminially charged (by public inquiry) and no mention of the other officers, simply a resignation by no choice. And btw, even though a huge chunk of us were behaving so far outside the bounds of law to be arrested - the rest of us are "all good" and "didn't know" about it. Ha.

Some of the comments addressed how doctors abused patients - and that is true, but the AMA takes away their ability to practace ASAP. Some jeepers may be dicks, but I can't control that in any way, and neither can anyone else (cept the police).

In general, police officers would get a lot more respect when they EARNED more respect. Investigate, fire and charge the bad officers. Quit harrasing people based upon minor technical violation of the law for the reasons of revenue. Devote more resources to solving major crimes. 25-40% of murders are unsolved, depending on the year and just how stupid the murdering populace happens to be at the time. What kind of success rate is this really? C's and D's? LOL. But at least I know that I am safe from people driving 5mph over the speed limit or people bringing (gasp) 4 ounces of shampoo onto a plane.

With murder being so vile, what is the "sucess rate" (if you can call it that) of the police in solving other crimes? From the 2005 FBI UCR - "Nationwide in 2005, 45.5 percent of violent crimes and 16.3 percent of property crimes were cleared by arrest or exceptional means" Wow. One F, one very, very, very solid F. And that is just arrests. You factor in the poor police work that often leads to the inability to convict in court, and the real numbers are quite a bit worse. You call that "protection" you have your head up your ass.

So, when the wonderful police are harrasing people over where they are parked, or "just for fun" or driving 1mph over the limit that is actually a serious problem. To the OP, you don't need to feel bad at all for being pissed, and just look at the responses from some of the police. They may be "pissed" over the internet (as they are typing about the "police haters" here) - but in the station and by their buddies they are calling you a piece of shit and backing each other up.

And I will be straight up and say that I will type this now, but not say it to a police officer. Why? Because that police officer may very well harass me, wrongfully arrest me, assault me, maybe even kill me - and more likely than not get away with any of the above. The main reason to respect the police is that they have guns. Their real life performance in stopping or solving crime is utterly pathetic and well documented. So you toss that on top of their willingness to stand together as a group no matter what and what you have is pretty much a government sponsered gang of armed thugs.

Don't want to have people view you that way? How about start solving murders, rapes, thefts, and such instead of talking about it at the bar or on the internet - and quit harrasing people for assinine reasons.
Old 09-18-2010, 11:48 PM
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I kinda find this fun, because of the police responses about the "thin blue line" and how they "solve the crimes" to make life livable for the rest of us. LOL. So here is some more solid data from the FBI: (all data 2005, if you want to check for yourself here you go: and

Motor Vehicle Thefts - 1,235,859. Clearance rate 13%. Unsolved 1,075,197. Or about 2 cars a minute. So every 30 seconds a car is stolen and the police are stumped - every hour or so they get lucky enough to catch one of the stupidest.

Burglary - 2,155,448. Clearance rate 12.7%. Every 30 minutes the police solve one, about every 15 seconds they don't.

Robbery - 417,438. Clearance rate 25.4%. 311,409 unsolved. So every half hour someone gets robbed face to face, obviously seeing the offender, reports it to the police, and the police are stumped, solving nothing.

Forcible Rape - 94,347. Clearance rate 41.3%. 55,381 unsolved FORCIBLE RAPES. Every ten minutes, a woman is raped and the police will ultimately do nothing about it.

Murder - 16,740. Clearance rate 62.1%. 6,344 unsolved MURDERS! 17 people a day murdered with no resulting arrest.

Maybe, when you start solving crime murders and rapes and such with any real effectiveness people will be less pissed when you pull them over for going 1mph over the speed limit. But it is good to know that you are keeping that parking lot safe.
Old 09-19-2010, 01:41 AM
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For the sake of not having hours to type out a long response, I'll post a brief missive. I'd like to shed some light on just a few things that happen on a day to day that people seem to misunderstand.

1.) I record every single contact I have with everyone I come into contact with. Why? Because 95% of the time, when someone complains to my watch commander and tells them I verbally berated them etc... The tapes show it the other way around. The vast majority of the time I'm on the receiving end of the swear words and what not. Just two days ago I was told by someone standing outside of the station, as I walked into the station (In plain clothes), "I hope you fucking die you fucking pig." This was before my day even started, but this is what I deal with on a daily basis. The point that I'm trying to make is this, the OP stated he did not give consent to search his car, and I wasn't there, so I can't say he did or didn't. BUT! 99% of the time the conversation goes like this....

Me: How you doing today sir, my names Dep. 909Rider. I couldn't help but observe you have some rather large unusual looking black containers in this jeep, mind if I take a look?

OP: No, I have nothing to hide, but I'm sorry, I don't have the time for this I'm late for class and I need to go.

Me: Ok sir, I'll make this as quick as I can then...

See how this can be misconstrued, and technically both parties are correct?

Anyways I decided to cut this very short, I can go on for days about peoples complaints (Well Officer XYZ still has a job after he was arrested!) Yes, because he was found not guilty....

Their retirements are crazy! Did you know the average cop only lives 5 years after retirement? Yup, 5 years. I guess 33 years of high stress physical shift work does take it out on you afterall.

As for the guy who said something about paying me half and taking away my weapon... Yea Sir, thats working great in Mexico, why didn't we think of that?

Well only 40% of murders result in convictions! Yes, but there is a difference between a conviction and an arrest. The 9th circuit court here in California gives ridiculous rights to criminals. Just because I arrest them, doesn't mean the circus will convict. For instance, my specialty happens to be gangs. I was in trial for 3 months THREE MONTHS because I arrested a convicted felon (3 state prison terms) with a handgun. I charged him with a gang enhancement. Why? He was at the scene of a shooting, in gang colors, with a handgun, in violation of numerous PC's. How could I be certain he was a gang member? BECAUSE HE HAD HIS GANG NAME TATTOOED ON HIS FOREHEAD! Yet it took the courts 3 months, and numerous testimonies, witnesses, and experts to prove affiliation. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back, but had I not done copious amounts of legwork, he never would have gotten a conviction. Most cops won't put in 80 hours of gang work for a simple gun, because they are too busy doing other things. Last friday, we were down 24 calls for service at the START of shift.

Robberies... You really think people rob others face to face with good descriptions of the suspect? No, the descriptions go like this... Uhm, he was about 6 feet tall, hispanic, and he was wearing a black shirt... Yea, I'll get on that.

Car thefts... I had a red honda civic stolen today... In metropolian LA..... So am I supposed to pull over every red civic I see to run vins? Now I'm impeding someones civil rights...

Murder... Yea, lots of families of murder's cooperate with the police. As a matter of fact, all the people around murder scenes cooperate, especially here in LA. No one is in fear of the gangs...


Look, OP, I'm sorry you got a ticket for one over, I really am. It doesn't get any more chicken shit than that. On the bright side, you will never, EVER, get found guilty of that.

To all the other people who speak so negatively about my profession, I ask this.

If my job is so easy, and I'm so overpayed, and my benefits are so lucrative... Why are you not my partner? Am I an idiot for being overpayed? Are you an idiot for being underpaid? Or might you be overexaggerating things a tad. I'd also like to point out the fact that contrary to popular sentiment, I DO NOT get paid to get shot, paid to get stabbed, paid to get beat up, paid to get spit on, etc... I get paid to write criminal reports and arrest bad people. Unfortunately sometimes fighting is a neccessity of my job, I wish it wasn't, but some people won't go peacefully. But that is NOT what I paid to do. Research federal statute in the supreme court, Warren v. District of Columbia (444 A.2d 1, 1981. Will I help if I can? Of course, I feel it is my personal obligation as a human being to help others when I can. But don't tell me its my job to get shot at.....

If you truly feel that way, we are hiring at my department. You need a college degree / or you need to be multilingual. Maybe getting a job as an officer in bumfuck arkansas isn't so hard, and maybe at the U of M they employ some really big dumptrucks. But in So. Cal, the market is extremely competitive....

And I apologize for the spelling errors, I just got off of my 14 hour shift...

Last edited by 909Rider; 09-19-2010 at 05:01 AM.
Old 09-19-2010, 01:49 AM
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I would also like to make a post saying this...

Anyone who thimks we are all douche bags, is invited to come out wheeling with me in So. Cal. I'll gladly enjoy some fun in the sun, and we can share a beer and a braut together. Then and ONLY then, will I grant you the right to pass judgement about me.
Old 09-19-2010, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by rickyj

Policemen like to thump their chests and talk about how they "run into danger" but in reality this isn't what usually happens. During Columbine they stood around in their gear and tried to look cool for the cameras, not entering until long after the shooting stopped (know people personally affected by this)
Another police hater

And how about you?! Do you think that you are better?

Have a great day Superman
Old 09-19-2010, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by JKCliff
Hey mr. construction guy...stop ripping people off. stop hiding your crappy work with plaster and paint. quit over ordering and taking the extra home for you side job... back up your work and do it right the first time... start doing that and we'll start respecting you....

He wasn't complaining about his job. He was addressing the assholes who generalize and lump all officers into the same pool. You are obviously a turd and have had run ins with the law. As will most turds you argument stinks.
hey police man, thought you were done talking, now you just look immature. so shut up and be mature about the whole subject. just because people are ripping on ass hole cops does not mean your an ass hole cop. yes, there is plenty out there, not all cops are STRAIGHT LACED and follow the rules. and plus, your little comment about finding another site because of one bad thread you read on here? WHO NEEDS TO GROW UP.... if a bad guy gives you a hard time, do you cry and walk away, maybe tell your chief he's picking on you? id like to hope not. take this as just another thread. Yes cops are good, NO cops like he described are not... they are only looking to be dick heads. i got pulled over for having my fog lights on 2 blocks away from my house, and i got a fucking ticket... why? because he was a small town cop with his head up his ass and abuses power. So.... long story short because i am tired of typing this..... GROW UP, PEOPLE TALK SHIT, THATS WHAT THEY DO... dont let this deture you away from a great site filled with a lot of knowledge and great people... so dont be an ass all because of one thead.

Originally Posted by Pluke the 2
really guys? this is pathetic.
Old 09-19-2010, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by JKU Rubicon
Another police hater

And how about you?! Do you think that you are better?

Have a great day Superman
I am not a police hater. I can see how you might assume that, but the fact is that there are bad cops. There just are. Policing is unique in that police CAN do something about it, and for whatever reasons don't chose to as much as they should. And the other fact is that the police don't do nearly as much good as they claim. Do I want a world without police, not by a long shot. But there is some happy medium in there. A police officer that writes a ticket for one mile an hour after an altercation of sorts has some anger problems. With a job that requires steady nerves and calm disposition in some seriously messed up situations - this police officer is a ticking time bomb. The department ought to do the right thing and prepare for his EVENTUAL dismissal. Some things just aren't ok. You don't get out of a speeding ticket for a reason, and police officers shouldn't get out of misconduct because of "stress" or "the guy was agitating me", etc. But often, the police believe that should be the case. Sorry, but it is true.

A few months ago, a Colorado Springs area police officer was called in swerving all over the interstate near Denver (50 miles away), full badge and uniform with his firearm - and of course in his police car while off duty. This "police officer" was cruising around randomly WAY over the limit, and after the short televised news by helicopter what happened? Media blackout and no released information for whatever reasons may be. Then, of course - the calls for leniency for the guy because of the "extreme stress" of his job by police officers.

I personally believe that many police officers find the above supposed "officer" and his actions absolutely disgusting. But their silence hurts, and at the same time it is kinda deafening.

Police should be able to be criticized just like anyone else. I can't imagine anyone coming to the defense of some idiot doctor that amputates the wrong leg. Or a bridge builder that cuts costs and causes the deaths of many people. Both of those and other similar situations happen, both are widely criticized and rightly so. But when SOME people mess up there is this idea that you can't attack or criticize them without bashing the entire profession. And a lot of police officers take it exactly that way. You want to "stand united" no matter what - well, you are going to be standing with bad as long as there are bad cops.

Again, I don't hate police officers - but I do think a lot of them believe they are entitled to a lot more respect than they actually deserve. The badge doesn't make a hero. Sure, more heros than average may wear one - but the badge just doesn't do it. The real problems are the people that think that is the case. If you think some asshat that is harassing people for whatever asinine reason pops into his head is a hero because he wears a badge then I do fear you. Certainly if you are the idiot wearing the badge. Those are the people who feel heroic for punching a guy in handcuffs, planting drugs to "get the conviction", busting doors in no knock raids on the wrong house, killing dogs, etc. If you CHOOSE to associate with those people and defend their actions, you are the same in my opinion.

For all the good cops

For those who believe the world is divided into the good (badge) and the evil (no badge) - hopefully you lose that badge because you are plenty evil.

Quick Reply: I've had it!

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