My Flame red Unlimited with 6" long arm
I just wanted to let you know, you are gonna put me in the poor house. My wife loves your truck and loves wheeling, I never thought I'de admit this but she is pressuring me to get this lift for mine now. Can you PM me the detail's how much and exactly what you had to get for this kit. Thanks Matt
lol slickwill the more i watch videos of you driving through 4 feet of mud the more i want your jeep setup.
i can't stop checking this thread... every day or two i look to see if there are any new pictures. im waiting on some dirty ones but i guess i'd give all the new stuff time to break in first.
i can't stop checking this thread... every day or two i look to see if there are any new pictures. im waiting on some dirty ones but i guess i'd give all the new stuff time to break in first.
Well...No mud around here yet, but there is plenty of snow . Went out for a day, was a lot of fun. Got stuck quite a bit, but was able to get out with the assistance of a winch Thats what I get for driving thru Waist high wet snow in some parts. had a blast, but spent more time towing out strangers than anything else (everything from mini vans to this avalanche) . It was a lot of fun, tried to take it a little easy as everything is still pretty new,