What Pistol do you carry daily?
Ruger sr9c. Small, compact, full size grip though, and I dare to say I'm pretty damn accurate with it at distance. Training at close combat distances without using sights, I'll hit chest and abdomen every time too. I can see why it was handgun of the year in '10.
I carry a Glock 36 unless I'm riding my bike or running in which case I carry a Diamondback 380. I have over 20 pistols and for me it just comes down to personal preference. My reasons for carrying the Glock are simple: 1. It's 100% reliable, a must for a personal defense weapon 2. The .45 ACP round is tried and true, it WILL stop a man in his tracks and it's affordable which makes practicing much less expensive. If you don't practice and shoot the weapon you carry you're only hurting yourself and potentially others. 3. Some will criticize the small magazine capacity of the 36 saying that a 6 round magazine is not enough. For those that do I can only presume you have never been in a situation where have had to fire a weapon at a human being, let alone actually shoot and kill someone. We live in the real world not Call of Duty, every round you fire has the potential to kill an innocent bystander so placement of shots is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. If for some reason you need more than 7 rounds of .45 ACP to get yourself out of a bad situation you may want to examine how it is you got yourself into said situation. As for the Diamondback they are a bit finicky on ammo but as long as you put good quality ammo through it and not cheap Russian surplus ammo it functions just fine.