Phoenix JK'ers / OR-Fab July 9th Meet & Greet
Goodyear Clan - Lets do Marjele's for a cold one at 5pm or, 2 cold ones at 4:50pm or, 3 cold ones at 4:45PM - oh what the hell, i'll be there about 4:30pm if anyone's in for a couple of pops...
For all those of you debating whether or not to come because you’re wondering what to do with the children… Mrs. Rde2Rok will have an area set up for the kids so they can have some activities and prizes also(get with her if you would like to help). So if there was a doubt now you have an option. As a foot note this is not a babysitting thing, it’s just to keep the kids involved and entertained so you don’t get the “are we doooooone yet or my favorite, wheeeen are we gooooooiiiiiiing”