Michigan Woman Gives Birth in Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
Husband says his newborn son could be nicknamed ‘Wrangler.’
Typically, stories about the capabilities of the Jeep Wrangler center on some seemingly impassable terrain or monstrous incline. But this recent report from Michigan’s M Live highlights a totally different type of capability for the SUV. It’s one that most people probably don’t consider when it comes to buying a Jeep.
Becky Gokey of Saginaw, Michigan, found herself giving birth in her Wrangler Unlimited after suddenly going into labor. Luckily, it was in the parking lot of a hospital, with a nurse delivering the baby. The doctor couldn’t make it there in time.
Drew Gokey, Becky’s husband, says he actually had to hold the baby’s head to slow the birth down while driving the Jeep to the hospital.
The baby, Elijah James, wound up being born right in the front seat. Adding to the excitement is the fact that Elijah is a “rainbow baby,” a term that signifies a child born after the mother suffered a previous miscarriage or death of an infant.
According to the MLive, in 2015, Becky gave birth to a daughter who succumbed to Trisomy 18, a chromosomal abnormality that causes severe disabilities to internal organs.
The good news is that little Elijah is healthy and doing fine. “He’s a miracle,” says Drew. “We’re thinking ‘Wrangler’ could be a good nickname,” he added.
We’re pretty sure that accommodating a birth was the furthest thing on the minds of Jeep engineers when they worked on the Wrangler Unlimited. But we figure the extra room in the Unlimited lets families grow into it. Even if it’s in real time.
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