Jeep Cherokee Angrily Cuts Through Pack of Motorcycles

Jeep Cherokee Angrily Cuts Through Pack of Motorcycles

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Motorcycle close calls are some of the most cringe-worthy videos on the Internet. Some happen in a flash, others give you reason to treat yourself to a deep-tissue session because they’re so achingly tense as they unfold over a few nervous minutes.

At first glance, it seems both parties handled this whole situation below poorly. If the motorcycles were simply driving together on a public road as a group, it’s not their right to box the driver in and hold him at bay. HOWEVER, this is not a regular ride, it’s part of a Veteran’s Ride called The 22 Project, representing the 22 vets who are lost everyday to TBI and PTSD.

This is a police-escorted ride, so the motorcyclists have the full right to the road. A guy in a Jeep Cherokee doesn’t feel this is acceptable, so he first tries to drive down the mostly empty right side of the road. Two motorcyclists quickly box him in and stop him, which obviously pisses him off even more. The guy then backs up, hops the curb (because JEEP!), and tries to get around more bikes, quickly putting a bunch of other riders in danger and nearly clipping one. As we mentioned, the cops were there, and he ends up getting pulled over. Take that!

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Via [BikersPost]

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