Jeep Gods Protect Vintage CJ During Drunk Driver Demolition

Jeep Gods Protect Vintage CJ During Drunk Driver Demolition

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Florida man may receive 17 DUIs; one for each parked car he crashed into.

Few things in life are more enraging than finding out a human being lost their life in a drunk-driving-related collision. There’s truly a special place in hell for those people. Thankfully, the story we bring you today didn’t culminate in a human fatality, but several vehicles were destroyed, and a vintage Jeep CJ came dangerously close to being totaled.

CBS News 6 from Osceola County near Orlando, Florida reports that Tony Futch was arrested and imprisoned after he smashed into a whopping 17 vehicles in a parking lot. According to witnesses, authorities were alerted after neighbors discovered the carnage Futch caused while attempting to leave The Gate Apartments in Davenport.

Jeep Saved from Drunk Driver

Upon arrival, police officers arrested Futch, who declined to perform a breathalyzer test, but turns out was driving on a revoked license. Unsurprisingly, it was suspended in 2013 for DUI. While a total of the damages he caused hasn’t been announced, nearly all the vehicles along a stretch of a parking lot were smashed and destroyed. Thankfully, one of the survivors was the gorgeous Jeep CJ. Stay safe, folks!

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