Check Out This Mega Mud Jeep Crash

Check Out This Mega Mud Jeep Crash

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Crashes happen, and sometimes they are marvelous to watch — as long as the driver walks away unscathed. No one wants to see anyone hurt, or worse. But that is the nature of the beast when aggressively pushing vehicles to their limits.

Take, for example, the clip below from Busted Knuckle Video, where we see this heavily modified Jeep being driven hard in the West Georgia Mud Park.

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After an impressive display of power, the Jeep takes to the air, courtesy of a dirt table top. However, the Jeep doesn’t quite make the jump and comes down on the top before the decline, slightly askew. The loaded suspension rebounds, sending the Jeep airborne on a slightly different vector than its forward momentum. Coupled with a high center of gravity and an awkward return to the ground, the Jeep flips end-over-end three times before coming to a halt right-side-up. Just before the Jeep plants itself back on the earth, the force of the final impact seems to severely damage the right front axle.

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While this crash is certainly epic, we are happy to see the driver walk away unscathed. It had to rattle her just a bit, though.

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