Blinged Out Jeep Wrangler Is All Sorts of Awful

Blinged Out Jeep Wrangler Is All Sorts of Awful

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Customizing your Jeep Wrangler is actually part of your contract when you buy the vehicle. Or at least that’s what I’ve been led to believe. Jeeps are just meant to be customized. It’s a rite of passage, and a necessity among Jeep enthusiasts. If you don’t modify your Jeep Wrangler in some way, Jeep people will come out of the bushes and customize it for you. Again, so I’ve been told.

However, that doesn’t always mean that you can do whatever you want to your Jeep. Case in point, this monstrosity. It started life as a humble off-roader and has turned into this blinged-out piece of garbage that would likely fall over if it ever were introduced to a small rock or twig.

Built by MC Customs, and straight out of a dream from MC Hammer, this Jeep Wrangler Unlimited was modified to take “culture” off-roading. Whatever that means. It has 24-inch Vellano wheels… and I don’t know some other stuff that combines to make this thing just… well, something? It’s terrible that’s what it is. I’m not sure anyone has the stomach to look at this for more than a few minutes without getting violently ill.

I dare you to try.

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Photos [MC Customs]

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